It’s the Holidays: Navigating Being Back Home From School

Heading home for the holidays is a time that many students anticipate



Heading home for the holidays is a time that many students anticipate. It’s a chance to finally take a lengthy break from the college responsibilities, reconnect with loved ones, and enjoy a real, homemade meal. However, navigating life at home can be a little tricky. From adjusting to a slower workload to dealing with shifting family dynamics, it can feel a little weird coming home after being gone for so long. Finding ways to balance these changes will help you make the most of your holiday break. 

Don’t Overcommit

Now that you’re home for the break, it’s easy to get pulled into many different things. You probably miss hanging out with old friends, your family might want you to run tedious errands that they don’t feel like doing themselves, or you might be constantly checking in on your friends from school. However, there’s only 24 hours in a day, so being pulled in multiple directions at one time can be overwhelming . Don’t overextend yourself to where you are overpromising and under delivering. It’s ok to say no! While the break is designed for you to catch up with your people, it’s also a time to relax and recoup from the previous semester.

Spend Time with Friends AND Family 

One of the best parts about coming home is hanging out and reconnecting with friends. It’s so easy to be with them all day while your parents are at work and have it carry on to a night of fun. But don’t forget to make time for your family too! They miss you just as much as your friends, and it’s important to always show gratitude and love to your main support system. Even if it’s sacrificing a night out for a movie night-in with your family; I promise that the effort will go a long way, and your family will feel special that you took the time out of your “busy, young-adult schedule” to be with them. 

Find Time for Yourself 

In the same breath, make sure you are also making time for yourself during the break. We all know that college is nonstop, especially if you’re heavily involved on campus. Enjoy the quiet moments that come from being at home. Sleep-in, binge-watch your favorite show, or even just spend a day doing absolutely nothing. While it’s important to show love to your support system, don’t forget to check in with yourself too. College can be a bit draining, so really appreciate the moments where you can turn your brain off and settle down. 

Set Boundaries with Love 

Being away at school gives you a newfound sense of independence. You start to adjust to really living life on your own time and terms, and the thought of abiding by a different set of rules can almost feel childish in a way. It’s important to communicate your feelings and boundaries to your family and friends who haven’t been able to experience the new you. A lot of families struggle with accepting the fact that school really evolves you as a person, so don’t be afraid to remind them nicely and respectfully that you are maturing into a young adult and your personal space is important to you. 

Plan Ahead

With the break being so lengthy, it’s important to also use this downtime to plan your next steps for the upcoming semester. Have you registered for all the right classes for next semester? Are you financially enrolled? Do you have your new, everyday school routine planned out? These are just a few things to ask yourself when you’re thinking about what next semester is going to look like. To help, make a checklist of action items for yourself for you to refer back to as the start of the semester starts to approach!

While it might not be smooth sailing the whole time, enjoy the little moments that remind you of what makes home really feel like home. Use the break to your advantage because before you know it, you’ll be back on campus grinding even harder than you did the previous semester. You’ve earned your break, but it’s what you do with it that counts!

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