Mind Always Matters: Prioritizing Your Mental Health

Written By: Elainey Bass Protect your peace


Written By: Elainey Bass

Protect your peace. One simple phrase that is often heavily stated, but not easily acted upon. With the world constantly throwing us distractions and setbacks, it’s very easy to throw ourselves into responsibilities and neglect our mental well-being. Prioritizing your mental health should never feel like a chore or a luxury. It’s a necessity for everyone and should be taken just as seriously as your physical health. Having an outlet that helps stabilize your emotions and releases stress looks different for everyone, and your journey may not mirror your friends and family. So, here are different insights and ways that you can incorporate in your day-to-day routine that can provide your own sense of balance and quality of life.


If you can, go to therapy. Speaking to someone directly about what’s going on in your life, how you’ve been feeling lately, etc. helps you gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, behaviors, and motivations. Therapy gives you the opportunity to work through your battles, all while feeling heard and understood by a therapist. It provides you with coping strategies and new perspectives to help manage whatever is going on mentally. Therapy opens the door of opportunity for regular check-ins and ongoing support to maintain your well-being.

Get Active

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but going to the gym really is good for your mental. For many, it’s the one place for people to relieve stress from their day. That is because physical activity helps lower stress hormones in the body, resulting in you feeling more relaxed and less anxious. However, getting active doesn’t always mean going to the gym! Taking a walk outside, doing home work-out videos, and going on a bike ride are all effective options that get your body & mind moving simultaneously. Most importantly, you get the feeling of satisfaction from simply showing up for yourself!

Establish Your Boundaries

This is another task that seems so simple, but many people genuinely struggle with this. Knowing your limits at work, in your relationships, and even social engagements can save you so much mental anguish when it comes to trying to please everybody. It’s ok to say “no” to things when your mental state is being compromised. You have to show up just as much as you show up for others, and if that requires you to choose your own peace instead of bending over backwards for someone else, then so be it.

Limit Your Social Media Use

Now this is subjective due to most people in this day and age using social media as their full-time job. However, you should still be mindful of what you’re consuming online. Constant online

engagement can increase stress and even affect your self-esteem and confidence. It’s very easy to be fooled by what you see on social media, and many people fall into the loop of comparing themselves and their situations to the “successful” people they see online. By taking breaks from social media, you can preserve your mental health and save yourself from stressing out about achieving an unrealistic reality.

These four things are only a fraction of the solutions that can cater to your mental health. You only get one mind, so it’s important to cherish and nurture it as such. With life being so crazy, it’s so easy to forget to check in with ourselves. Once you start making your mental health a priority, you’ll have a front row seat at an improved lifestyle with intentional day-to-day experiences.

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