Post-Grad Blues: What Do I Do Now?

Written By: Elainey Bass Finally! You got your degree and you know everything


Written By: Elainey Bass

Finally! You got your degree and you know everything. All of the hard work and dedication you put in throughout your matriculation at your institution has paid off and you are ready to enter the real world. A plethora of opportunities await you, but you may have this burning question that’s clouding your happiness: WHAT NOW? There are so many young graduates out here that have no clue on what they want to do or where they want to go. Some may even be blessed to be stuck between multiple job opportunities. Regardless, it’s very easy to feel lost after walking across the stage. While taking advice can be easier said than done, here are some tips to conquer post-grad blues.

Tip 1: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Picture this: you graduate with your friends. It’s such an exciting time, but also very bittersweet. You all may be parting ways; going in different directions for different experiences. But the circumstances aren’t the same for you. Out of your friend group, you are the only one with nothing definite post-graduation. In this situation, it’s so easy to feel like you are behind. It may seem like everyone has great things going for themselves but you. Do NOT beat yourself up over your own journey. Everything happens for a reason, and delay does not mean denial. Cheer for others until your time comes and trust that things will eventually work out in your favor.

Tip 2: Take a Break if You Need It

For most, graduating feels like a major weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You no longer have to drown in 11:59 deadlines or stay up all night studying for major exams. It is perfectly ok to stop and really take in everything that you have done. Personally, I wish I would have done this. I hopped right into a full-time job opportunity two days after graduation and honestly wish that I would have asked to start a little bit later. Going to school for four years or more can be draining, and you deserve to rest! Just don’t stay in that mode for too long, or you will start to become lazy and unmotivated to start your journey through adulthood.

Tip 3: Don’t Feel Forced to Attend Grad School

This is so important. Many graduates feel like they have to go for their masters if they don’t have any official post-grad plans. THIS IS NOT TRUE! Attending grad school is way more vigorous and will require a heavier course load compared to undergrad. Only consider grad school if it’s something that you really want to do and if it helps your future career. Why waste your money on another two years of school just because you don’t have a job offer? Trust the process instead of committing to something for safety and security.

Tip 4: Use Your Connections/Network

Being in college is all about building valuable relationships with your peers, professors, and professionals in your desired field. USE THEM! Don’t be afraid to reach out to people that could help you navigate the post-grad world. They may know someone that’s looking to hire for a position, or they could connect you with people that you would have never encountered as a college student. It’s ok if you don’t like to ask for help; I’m the same way. But it’s important to remember that there are people that genuinely want to help you. All you have to do is put your pride aside and ask!

Whether it may seem like it or not, I’m still figuring out life post-grad too. But, I know that I’m not supposed to have it all figured it out right now, and life is all about trial and error. Getting your degree is a major accomplishment that many don’t even get to experience. Take pride in this achievement and trust that everything will work out the way that it’s supposed to.

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